Thursday, July 8, 2010

these are a few of my favorite things...

1. CW—One of my closest friends, Christian Ward, has been in the city for a summer internship with Amex.  We've been friends since high school (He claims we were high school sweethearts.  I don't seem to remember it that way.)  and became really close when we both moved to NYC the same week.  Through the years we've stayed in touch (he has since moved back to Utah).  Right now I am basically having the best time of my life. I haven’t had so much fun or laughed so hard in a really long time. I am so glad that he is here. I am going to bawl my eyes out when he leaves. But CW is definitely one of my favorite things right now.

2. AC—my next favorite is a blessed, little thing called Air Conditioning. I don’t know how anyone in this city can survive without it. There is nothing better then stepping out of a stifling heat into a blast of cool air.

3. Eclipse—I feel like a bad fan, but despite the fact that I have only seen Eclipse once (opening night of course), I still feel perfectly justified in adding this to my favorite things list. I loved the movie. I clapped and giggled and swooned with the rest of them.  Best of the three so far. And RP? Stunning!

4. Lady Antebellum—two of my music friends (and by music friends I mean people who recommend music to me) both gave me the thumbs up for Lady Antebellum. It’s a country group that has successfully crossed over into the pop pool. Personally, I don’t care what pool they reside in. All I know is that I love it.

5. The Color Blue—No, it’s not a sequel to The Color Purple but rather just the color. For some reason, I am obsessed with the color blue. I find myself mostly buying blue things right now—especially clothing. Oh well.

6. Glee—like a lot of popular trends that come and go, I tried to resist this one. I really tried. But then I randomly saw Mr. Shuester and his darling curls (Matthew Morrison) perform and I was hooked. How could I not? Guys that can sing and play some sort of instrument are just dreamy. Can’t wait for the season to start up once again.

7. Cooking—still an obsession that I love to watch, research, and do. I think it always will be.

8. Pride & Prejudice—Confession: I have never read Pride & Prejudice. Yes, I am hanging my head in shame. BUT we're reading it for book club and I am loving it. I don’t know if it’s because I know the story so well or if my love for Mr. Darcy (the BBC version of Mr. Darcy) transcends all time and place, but this book is so clever. I love getting lost in its pages and the fact that I am still hanging on every word, wondering what will happen next.

Notice the print at the bottom.  It says IBM--Ideal Breeding Material.  :)

9. Watermelon—I am constantly craving fresh watermelon. Thank goodness it’s in season.

10. My Mac—I’m still in love with my laptop. The more I learn about its functionality, the more I’m in love with it.