Wednesday, April 8, 2009

praises we sing

So I was talking to my friend, Jason, the other day, while we were watching General Conference. We were talking about how much we love The Mormon Tabernacle Choir and the hymns. Jason started to list off his top 5. When I thought about naming my top 5 I was completely stumped. I couldn't even dream of narrowing my list down to just 5. Impossible. I just love the hymns so much. Anyway, I thought about it some more and came up with my top 10. Then I also chose my 5 Runners Up. So technically, that is 15. Is that cheating? I don't care. I could list the Runners Up for the Runners Up list as well, but that might be going too far...I know, I'm a nerd.

Top 10 Favorite Hymns in the LdS Hymn Book:

I Believe In Christ (134)

Redeemer of Israel (6)

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (72)

In Humility, Our Savior (172)

How Firm a Foundation (85)

I Am A Child of God (301)

Joseph Smith’s First Prayer (26)

Our Savior’s Love (113)

Lord, I Would Follow Thee (220)

Now Let Us Rejoice (3)

Runners Up

Love At Home (294)

We Thank Thee, O God for a Prophet (19)

All Creatures of Our God and King (62)

Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful (202)

The Spirit of God (2)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

separate, but not what i meant

So I was buying something for work and for myself the other day. I asked the cashier if I could make two, separate transactions. The cashier said yes.
He rang up the first pile, bagged it. I swiped my card. Then he quickly scanned in the second pile and gave me the new total. He placed the second pile in the bag as well. I reminded him that I had wanted separate transactions.

He said, "Oh," and pulled out the second pile of items, rebagged them, and placed them into the first bag. I didn't bother to clarify again.