while i haven't ever really given much credit to signs of the zodiac and their accompanying traits, i've always been strangely proud of the fact that i'm a scorpio. as i just passed yet another birthday, i did a quick online search to see what i could find. even stranger than the fact that i'm proud of being a scorpio, is the fact that the little description i found is shockingly accurate. for the average joe schmoe, you wouldn't necessarily make the connection, but let me assure you, it's true...for the most part. :)SCORPIOBeneath a controlled, cool exterior beats the heart of the deeply intense Scorpio. Passionate, penetrating, and determined, this sign will probe until they reach the truth. The Scorpio may not speak volumes or show emotions readily, yet rest assured there's an enormous amount of activity happening beneath the surface. Excellent leaders, Scorpions are always aware. When it comes to resourcefulness, this sign comes out ahead.
Friends and FamilySincerity and truth are strong components of the Scorpio's friends. It can take some time before really close bonds are formed, but once done, the Scorpio will remain dedicated and loyal. Witty and intellectual, they prefer companions who are humorous and easygoing. Full of surprises, this sign will give you the shirt off their backs if that's what you need, yet once they are crossed, there's no turning back. They feel deeply, and once hurt, it can be impossible to turn things around. Commitment to family is strong and consistent with the Scorpio. They are exceptionally helpful in managing affairs, and they are excellent advocates when needed.
Career and MoneyI desire is the key phrase for the Scorpio. They are fantastic at managing, solving, or creating. Once the Scorpio sets their sights on a goal, there's no deterring this sign. Tasks that require a scientific, penetrating approach are always best done by Scorpions as they will delve deeply into the materials they have. Their ability to focus coupled with determination makes for strong management skills. They're not ones to worry about making friends on the job scene; rather, they prefer to see the task accomplished well. Respect is an essential aspect of working for this sign. They need to respect their coworkers while also feeling a sense of being respected by others.
Love and SexThis is the strongest of the sexualities in the Zodiac. Incredibly passionate, the Scorpio takes intimacy seriously. Partners need to be intelligent and honest. Much of the foreplay for this sign happens long before the bedroom through conversation and observation. Once in love, they are devoted and loyal to the death. But relationships can take some time. The Scorpio needs to build trust and respect for a potential mate slowly and thoroughly.
The Perfect GiftThe best gifts for a Scorpio are sentimental choices, clothing (especially something sexy), and non-fiction books.
LikesTruth, facts, being right, teasing, longtime friends, a grand passion, a worthy adversary
DislikesDishonesty, passive people, revealing secrets
StrengthsPassionate, stubborn, resourceful, brave, a true friend
WeaknessesJealous, distrusting