Thursday, September 29, 2011

five minutes of my life

4:35:00pm--Open Sephora compact to freshen up for cocktail party.  A chunk of dark green eye shadow shakes loose and spills onto my white blouse in the not-so-subtle location of my chest.

4:35:30pm--Brush it off causing it to smear and work it's way deeper into the material.  Pause.  Panic sets in.

4:36:00pm--Put down compact.  Reach for Clorox Bleach Pen in desk drawer.

4:36:15pm--Open bleach pen.  Contents from pen drip onto dark denim skirt.

4:36:30pm--Paralyzed by panic.  Can't decide what to address first.

4:37:00pm--Frantically grab a paper towel.  Open water bottle.  Spill contents onto keyboard and then onto skirt.

4:37:30pm--Mop up water paying particular attention to the bleach spot on my skirt.  (FAIL)

4:38:00pm--Use bleach pen to try to get eye shadow out.  (FAIL)

4:39:30pm--Use paper towel from above to wipe my arm.  Smear green eye shadow on the entire underside.



Sarah said...

I love you Malia! You crack me up. I think there is an important lesson in this about avoiding green eye shadow...

lots of love from london!


Rachel said...

I'm glad you laughed. At that point, the only other option was to cry- and then you would have added raccoon eyes to the picture. Love you!

Christie Norris said...

You make me laugh. Who needs video.