Monday, September 10, 2007

1/2 + 1/2 = 1

The other day a kid came into my office to ask me for help with his homework. “Sure!” I said enthusiastically as he sauntered over to my desk. He put his backpack down and pulled out his math workbook. He opened it and there it was staring back at me—“Adding and Subtracting Fractions”. I looked over the worksheet, reading the instructions and searching frantically for a sample problem. But alas, there wasn’t any. For the life of me, I couldn’t remember how to do this simple math problem. I remember something about having to find the lowest common denominator, but even then, I couldn’t remember how to do it! Remembering that tutors don’t necessarily have to know the subject matter, I pulled out some “tutoring strategies” that I teach my mentors. I asked, “So, tell me about this problem. What are you supposed to do?” “I don’t know,” he responded. “Ok, well, what do you remember your teacher telling you about these kinds of problems? Do you remember anything that she wrote on the board?” “Nope.” Feeling desperate now, I asked, “Well, what do YOU think you are supposed to do?” “I don’t know, that’s why I came to you,” was his innocent reply.

It was at that point that I was grateful I was in front of a computer. We looked up “Adding and Subtracting Fractions” and figured out how to do the problems together and he went on his way. But there I was, a working professional with a Master’s degree, and I couldn’t do simple 6th grade math. I was mortified. Later that week I went to the store to buy a 6th grade math workbook. I’m proud to say that I can knock those babies off without much thought now.

Just in case any of you would like a little practice, here are two helpful websites:


Rachel said...

Don't feel bad! I don't think I could do 6th grade math even with step by step instructions sitting in front of me. I cheered when I got a C- in statistics- and all that requires is adding and subtracting. That's why I majored in Social Work- little to no math required!

Annie said...

As I was reading your post, I kept thinking "ok, first a common denominator... then what? And do I times the denominator to the whole number? Then what?" Oh it's a sad day to realize that I've forgotten basic math skills. I guess I'll re-learn it all as my kids go through this process. Oh joy! :)

Dottie Stay said...

Don't worry, I don't think that I could even you 1st grade math!! you make me laugh so hard. i loved your post, and how the kids said "that is why I came to you." Dang, I would have started to cry.

Jen (momofmandm) said...

I had a total brain fart yesterday with Makenna and had it not been for my computer I don't know what I would have done. Math and I have never gotten along. I think as soon as Makenna gets into the hard stuff I may just have to quit! Just teasing I will go and buy and book and practice when she is at school.

Ace said...

Hey, I just found your blog. It's been a long time. I didn't know you were in NY. Otherwise I would have stopped into see you when I visited there this summer! Hope you're doing well!


Jen Tornow said...

Thanks for the links! I'm sure I will need to use them at some point!! Sorry it has taken me so long to respond to your comment on my blog! It was fun to hear from you. I'm sure the answer is on your blog somewhere, so I'll have to look, but my question is, Why are you in NY? (I think that's so cool, by the way!)