Thursday, November 15, 2007

do over?

The other day I was walking up Broadway and I saw three men congregated in between two storefronts. One man was trying to sell the other two men something so they were engaged in conversation. As I approached, I overheard the following:

Salesman to Man 1: Are you single?
Man 1: Yep.
Salesman: “I’ll tell you why in a second, but first let me…”
Man 2: (hearty laugh and slug to friend’s shoulder)
Salesman to Man 2: I’ll get to YOU right after.

I was laughing too but walked away very quickly. I didn’t want him telling me why I was single. I wasn’t in the mood. But then again, maybe that wouldn’t have been so bad. Do over? :)


Julie said...

I am so glad that I saw Sharlynn and gave her my blog so that Kris could find my blog so that you could find my blog too. This internet stuff makes it such a small world. It is a great way to "run" into old friends. I can't believe you live in New York - that sounds so adventurous and exciting. We lived in Minnesota for a few years, but I don't think that it's quite the same. It is good to hear from you and I hope we can keep looking in on each other! JULIE

Ace said...

Ah, it would have maybe given you a great story. I think that I've determined that even if things are a little crazy (especially blind dates) that at the very least they make for a good story. Next time. . .

Rachel said...

I don't know if you want some random man in NYC giving you his ideas on why you are not with someone. Though it would have been entertaining!

Dottie Stay said...

That s hysterical! I think I would have kept walking myself!

Laura said...

Malia, I love you and I miss you! You always make me smile! If I were rich I would come and stay in New York so I could hang out with you again! I loved your jury duty post, by the way! Hope your Thanksgiving is great!

Jen Tornow said...

That's hilarious! I seriously would have wanted to eavesdrop on the rest of the conversation!