Thursday, August 21, 2008

beef vs. pork

The other day I was on the train and overheard the following snippet between 2 twenty-somethings….

Girl A: Is beef pork?

Girl B: Beef is cow.

Girl A: Oh…

If this doesn't scream "education IS important!" I don't know what does…


Aubri said...

Suprisingly a lot of people don't know a lot about meat. This is a commercial for the OC Fair making fun of that fact.

I think you'll like it.

Heather said...

Sheesh, city kids! I guess they don't offer FFA in New York City,huh? I myself happen to have a bronze medal for my meat judging talents. LOL

Livi said...

Like I said - this is overheard in new york material.

Jen (momofmandm) said...

Nice! Maybe she should get out more... You are so funny. Great to see you are still updating the blog, thought you might have disappeared. Just teasing. I just love to read all about your adventures and see your great pics in New York.

Rachel said...

You should start a list of "things overheard in NYC." I bet it would be funny! Thanks for your note on Facebook. I wish we lived closer too. :)

Hillary said...

Oh man. This makes me sad.

The Favorite said...

I LOVE your blog posts- really I do. This one made me laugh and laugh. Education is #1 in my book!
(BTW, Adam is such a dream boy- lucky lucky you!)