Sunday, June 21, 2009

happy father's day!

It's been nine years since I have bought my Dad a Father's Day gift. It seems weird to me that it has been so long. Usually around this time of year I lay low and do my best to treat this Sunday as I would any other Sunday, as a protective measure. But for some reason I'm a little more open and as a result, a little more emotional than I would like to admit today. Sitting here, alone in my apartment has given me considerable time to reflect upon life and what I value as important. And aside from the Gospel, my family (which is central to the Gospel Plan) is the most important thing in the world to me.

I miss my Father...very much. I miss having him around and knowing that he would be home whenever I returned. I miss his silly jokes that he thought were hilarious. I miss hearing his beautiful singing voice at 3:00 in the morning. I miss how excited he would get on payday when he could take all of us out for dinner. I miss his love and passion for the Polynesian culture and I miss that same love and passion that he had for the Gospel. He was the kind of man that would reach out to his home teaching families several times a month. He was the kind of man that would make a whole bunch of extra food so that he could deliver meals to families that needed them. He was the kind of man that would call old friends out of the blue just to let them know that he was thinking of them. He was the kind of man that taught me that service isn't always convenient but that you do it anyway. No questions. No complaints.

And so, I miss him.

But I have decided that just because he isn't around anymore, it doesn't mean that I can't get him a gift. Now don't worry, I'm not delusional. I don't think that there is some special courier that can carry an item from this life into the next, but I do think that I can do something in honor of this great man--a different kind of gift. So from here on out, I will revisit the idea of a "gift" on Father's Day. I will do something or change something in my life that can show him that I love and honor him despite the distance. I just won't have to wrap it.

And so, Dad, after much thought, I think that this year's gift from me to you, will be my adoption of one of your mantras--"Service is never convenient, but you do it anyway. It's not for you. It's for others." The funny thing about this gift is that I think that ultimately it will bless me more than it will bless him or anyone that I choose to serve. Isn't that always how it works though?

Ayway, I miss you dad. I love you and I will love you forever and ever. Happy Father's Day!


Susieq said...

Malia, I miss him too. I miss his smile, his teasing, the meals at Chuckarama. He was a good man.

Rachel said...

You can tell that he was a good man because he raised such an amazing daughter! I love your gift idea and I love you!

Heather said...

What a blessing to have such a wonderful father!

Brett and Diane said...

What a wonderful post! I miss Uncle Kimo as well. I know your dad knows how much you love him and loves you very much!

Unknown said...

I loved reading your blog about your dad!!! What a great idea! I miss him too. He was a fun person to be around, and I LOVED his singing and performing!! What talent! He did give a lot of services to others. We could all take a lesson from him! Thanks for the text yesterday. It made our day! We are looking forward to visiting you in person this summer!! Love you!

Anonymous said...

That's my girl. I love you and your dad too.

The Favorite said...

I love your dad too- (this one made me cry)
I know that he loves your gift for him.

Laura said...

I miss him too. Mine was one of those home teaching families that he reached out to often. I miss his shaved ice on a hot summer day. No "Sno Shack" can compare! But, he lives on through you and your family. He taught you well and you do him a great honor and service by living the way that he did and following his wonderful example. I love you! Hope all is well.