Thursday, July 23, 2009

thunder, thunder, thunder, thundercats….ho!

thunder, thunder, thunder, thundercats….ho!

Some of my earliest and fondest memories are of watching Saturday morning cartoons with my brother. I remember strategically waking up early enough to ensure that we caught all of the shows that we wanted to see that day. It was fun to plant ourselves in front of the TV with snacks in hand for those early morning episodes of fun and yes, childhood suspense.

We loved most cartoons and the variety ranged from The Smurfs, Looney Tunes, Jem (one of my favorites, not James’), GI Joe, He-Man, Transformers, etc. But one of our all time favorites had to be Thundercats. I don’t know what it was with those fierce felines, but we loved them. I might have even had a crush on Lion-O…and Tygra…

Anyway, a few weeks ago, I was down at Wall Street participating in a Volunteer Fair at Morgan Stanley. I was walking back to the train when I came upon a street vendor selling DVD’s. They looked new and were in their original packaging. The familiar Thundercats symbol popped out at me and I knew I had to buy it. I bought one for me and one for my brother.

For the last few days, James and I have once again, planted ourselves in front of the TV and watched episodes of Thundercats. Once again, we arm ourselves with snacks and blankets and enjoy as the now simpler plots unfold. We started with the pilot episodes and it was interesting to put things into their original context. We never really worried much about the beginnings when we were little. I don’t think that we were paying that much attention. But it’s been fun to stroll down memory lane once again. OH! And we finally learned the lyrics to the theme song. Not so complicated all these years later.

For your singing pleasure:

Thunder, thunder, thundercats, Ho!
Thundercats are on the move,
Thundercats are loose,
Feel the magic, hear the Roar,
Thundercats are loose,

Thunder, thunder, thunder, Thundercats!
Thunder, thunder, thunder, Thundercats!
Thunder, thunder, thunder, Thundercats!
Thunder, thunder, thunder, Thundercats! Thundercats!


Anonymous said...

I remember Thundercats!

I had a similar experience recently when I ran into some DVDs from the old MacGyver series. I was a HUGE fan as a kid, but somehow it just wasn't the same as an adult. Growing up stinks.

Heather said...

Thundercats always makes me think of my brother, he loved the show too!

Rachel said...

My little boy Brevyn has recently discovered Thundercats. We have been watching a lot of it at our house. How fun!