Tuesday, November 23, 2010

what the sodium?

The other day I forgot to make my lunch and therefore had to eat out.  I decided to be healthy and chose to get a salad.  It was decent and filled me up but literally an hour later I started to get a really bad headache.  I couldn't figure out why because the salad was a nice combination of veggies and protein.  Anyway, I decided to look up the nutritional information and realized that the salad had over 1000mg of sodium.  Clearly it was the meat and the salad dressing that contributed to such an obscene amount of sodium but I found it to be so interesting that my body was reacting the way that it did.  Our bodies want healthy, unprocessed foods.  We just need to feed it to them.  

Because I still believe salads to be a great source of raw veggies, I wanted to share my most favorite salad dressing recipe of the moment.  Once you start making your own salad dressings, you will never go back.  Promise.  I snagged it from one of my heroes (Jamie Oliver) and it has become a staple in my home.  Obviously, you can tweak it to suit your tastes or the type of salad that you are going to be serving, but it's a winner.  The trick is to LIGHTLY dress your salad .  I often add a little honey or raw agave nectar to sweeten it up.  Enjoy!

Creamy French Dressing

Great with green salads and bitter leaves like endive or radicchio.

5 T white wine vinegar
4 T walnut oil
½ cup crème fraiche (I prefer just a spoonful or two)
1 tsp. Dijon mustard
sea salt & freshly ground black pepper
a handful of chopped parsley leaves
8 T Extra Virgin Olive Oil

1 comment:

The Photo Pharm said...

I miss NYC and I miss you!!!!!!!!!