Thursday, February 24, 2011

you can't always have what you want

Human nature is such that we always want what we can’t have. Perhaps always is too strong of a word but I would say that fairly often, that is the case. Wanting something else is not in and of itself a bad thing. It is a contributor or a catalyst to change and progress. But if left unchecked, it can also lead to a myriad of other problems that range from feeling entitled, selfishly dodging responsibility, greedily seeking after something that is not rightfully yours, and being generally dissatisfied with life—all under the umbrella of “I want what is not mine.”

I experienced such a thought today as I was walking past the windows of Duane Reade and noticed that Easter candy is now lining their shelves. Normally, those types of sugary substances can’t tempt me but for some reason they did today. The reason? I am preparing to start yet another cleanse. I am not entirely sure how I will fair with this one compared to the last. This one is only 7 days but the restrictions are still pretty extreme. No dairy, no meat, no refined or processed anything. It’s basically a vegan/raw diet without the help of any outside manufacturer. I can eat as much fruit, vegetables, brown rice, nuts, beans/lentils, and herbs as I want, but again the trick is that everything must basically be natural and homemade.

You would think that with all of my experimenting, previous cleanses, self-imposed observances of Lent (Yes, I know I am not Catholic) and the like, that this would be a breeze…but I don’t think it will. While I have adopted several really good habits along the way—eliminating this and making sure that I make my own that—I still anticipate that this will be difficult. The level of torture is yet to be determined.

Back to the candy. I am nearly 100% certain that the reason I suddenly wanted to purchase bags upon bags of refined sugar is because I know that starting tomorrow I cannot have them. I want what I can’t have. Men want women they can’t have, women want men that they can't have and I want food that I can’t have. It’s a universal predicament, I think.

Wish me luck!


Elizabeth said...

Good luck! Each day will get easier. The first is the worst and then you won't even think about all the refined sugar. Just think of how good you will feel.

malia said...

Thanks, Elizabeth! So far, so good. I'm sure I'll blog about it after I am done. :)

Jane said...

Good luck and tay strong! I know you can do it!!

Heather said...

You can do it!!! Every time I even think about dieting I immediately feel deprived and starved.