Friday, August 10, 2007

the first 5 seats!

The other day while I was on my way to 22nd street, a frazzled group of mother/daughter tourists entered the train. One mother, in her southern drawl, yelled to the other “It says we are supposed to be in one of the first 5!” They were breathless and appeared to have been running. Because of the confusion and panic-like expressions they wore, I decided to step in and help out. I asked if they were trying to get to South Ferry. They nodded and said that they needed to be in the first 5 seats. I smiled as I pictured them running from car to car trying to sit in one of the first 5 seats but finding them occupied. Their expectant look broke my side bar daydream and I then explained to them that it was the first 5 cars that they wanted instead. Since we were in the 2nd car, I told them they were fine. Relieved, they parked themselves in the middle of the car and continued to talk to one another in abnormally loud voices about their plans for later that day.

Ah, tourists!


Jen (momofmandm) said...

I was just finding all kinds of people that blog and I came across yours. How the heck are you doing? This is Jenny Preston (as you know me). I didn't even know that you lived in NYC. You look terrific and look so happy. I hope you don't mind that I am snooping on your site. It is so much fun to see all these sites and to get to see how everyone is doing. I hope you are still singing like mad. Do you have a job with it? Anyway I must sound like a crazy woman. I hope you are doing well. Great to see you in your blog!!

Dottie Stay said...

That is so funny. I bet you have a lot of great stories about tourists! What a fun ife you have. I need to come and visit!

naomi megan. said...

Malia, this is the best story I have heard. Ever.

naomi megan. said...

Malia, this is the best story I have ever heard. Ever.