Tuesday, December 25, 2007

its raining men

Something strange is definitely afoot. Over the last two weeks I have had more random men approach me, have received more phone numbers, and have been the recipient of more acts of gallantry than I have in a long time. I have had two serious dinner invitations from men just walking by. I have had my ear talked off at a work event, on the train, and on the sidewalk. One man offered to walk me home. Another offered to carry my groceries. Doors have been opened, words have been exchanged. Its been a strange phenomenon, I tell you. If only men that I'm interested in could pay me this much attention. Perhaps there is something in the water. Perhaps I should start bottling it...


Rachel said...

Fantastic! Even if they aren't your type, it's still fun. I agree though- I always seemed to get the attention from the guys I wasn't interested in (Becky on the other hand got it from ALL the guys I was interested in, as I sat there apparently invisible!)

Ace said...

If anyone deserves some great treatment from a member of the opposite sex, it's you Malia. Now, if I can only arrange it so that it comes from John Krasinski for you. . .

Sarah said...

That's so great, Malia! Nice idea, bottling it up. Heehee.

Jodie, Stefan and Natalia said...

Hilarious! Somehow, that's always how it works out-- either men you don't want or at the completely wrong time. Once I was almost engaged I was asked out on more dates than ever before. Now that I'm married, the ring on my finger doesn't seem to matter sometimes to weird guys. Crazy!

Livi said...

Ummmmmmmm Malia - you don't tell me this stuff enough! Uhhh Baby Girl work it!