Wednesday, February 20, 2008

exceptions to every rule

If any of you know me, you will know that I have an undeniable love for old people. I absolutely adore them--the cute, loving ones and even the grumpy, antisocial ones. I love them all. There is this one little, old lady who attends the ward right before mine. She is the tiniest, little thing you will ever see. She has got to be in her 90's and has as much spunk and dedication as anyone I know. Every Sunday, you will find her standing dutifully at the door handing out the programs. Every time I see her, I want to run up to her and give her a big hug and then be her best friend forever.

As I'm usually a favorite among the elderly, you will understand why one old woman perplexes me so. I work with her--not directly, but I associate with her enough that I have been privy to her elderly "charm". Also a tiny, little, shrinking woman, she appears as if she will break at any moment. But don't let that fool you. While small in stature, her personality is bigger than you could imagine...too big for me, in fact. No matter what I do, I can't seem to get her to "like" me. She doesn't seem to like anyone, really, but that doesn't remove that incessant desire that I have to make her like me. Almost every encounter I have had with her or seen her have with others has been laced with annoyance, grumpiness, and even disdain. On ocassion, it is funny, but as it is consistent, I have categorized it as "just plain mean". And I don't care who you are...mean is never cool.

Case in point: The other day we both happened to be in the restroom at the same time. Granted, the ladies' room is no place for conversation, but it doesn't mean that you have to completely ignore the other person either.

While standing at the sink...

"Good morning, G_____," I said in a cheerful, but not too cheerful voice.


"Are you having a good day?" I tried again.


I continued in silence then started to dry my hands.

"Alright, well take care," as I was leaving.

still nothing.

Sometimes I fantacize about telling her off and letting her know that I am SO happy that she is retiring this year. In the end, I guess I can no longer claim that I love all old people for that is not true. There are exceptions to every rule, I suppose.


Rachel said...

I love the elderly too. They scare the heck out of my husband, however. I often ask him what he's going to do with me when I am old. I am doomed to a nursing home for sure! I'm sorry about the grumpy lady you work with. . . maybe she's not being rude, maybe she's just deaf ;)

Livi said...

Malia - you are such a great person. Good for you for being so nice to someone with no reciprocation. By the way, you look really really pretty in your pictures to the right.

Ace said...

I believe in you. I think you'll break through to her one day. How can anyone not love you?

Dottie Stay said...

Alright, that is hysterical that you want to tell the old lady off. Please do and blog about it. I am with you. Not cool to be rude no matter how old you are!

Annie said...

What a little stinker! I mean, seriously! Maybe she IS deaf.

Maria said...

I've gotten used to old people now that my Grandpa is in a care center. Sometimes they're just crazy, and it makes me smile. But if she's NOT crazy yet, she doesn't have an excuse to be mean, right?!