Friday, February 29, 2008


This morning I played Frogger on the way to work. No, I didn't have a PSP or anything like that. I decided to do it old school. For some reason I thought I could cross a four lane street, even with a green light working against me...during rush hour, mind you. I stood there, unable to move, trying to decide if I should "go for it" or if it would be safer to stay where I was. Luckily, I wasn't being timed so I decided to stay put in the middle of the road and dodged the cars as they drove by at different intervals. People I walk around the city with are always pulling me out of the way as cars whiz by. They keep telling me that I need to be careful. Maybe I should listen.

Needless to say, I did make it to the other side...


Rachel said...

Wow- what an adventure. I'm so glad you made it to the other side safely, and I'm glad I wasn't there to witness it! I tend to have panic attacks when I see people crossing the street these days.

Johnson said...

Holy cow! I am glad that you are okay. See, I am so paranoid I just try to get around places staying on the same sidewalk..doesn't work very well. Be careful. By the are darling. I love reading your posts!!!


Dottie Stay said...

That reminds me of George Costanza. You like to live on the edge don't you? That would scare me to death! You are a true New Yorker.

Livi said...

Malia! Thats crazy town, you sound like me obliviously walking through traffic like the cars won't hit you. Needless to say, you are hardcore.

Maria said...

Yikes! Do be a little more careful... we want you to stick around!
Sounds pretty crazy, are NY drivers worse than Utah drivers?!