Sunday, March 30, 2008

i've always wanted to be a hacker

So I've always wanted to be a hacker. (Dear FBI: I don't really want to be a hacker. I wish NO harm to anyone or anything. I just wish my brain was sophisticated enough to be able to do something like that.) Why, you might ask? Perhaps it is because I have seem too many movies where those types of skills are the key to a happy ending. The little girl in Jurassic Park was able to lock the doors because she knew a lot about computers. The guy in Die Hard (the last one made) was able to defeat the firewall because he had the smarts...or am I remembering that movie correctly? Anyway, the list could go on and on. I would just love to be able to say that I have the capability of saving some small town or even the nation because of what I can do on the computer. That being said, I don't really know if I am cut out for that line of work.

For the last little while my laptop at home, indeed the very one that I am typing on right now, has had this problem with the screen. For some reason the font is HUGE! I have tried so many times to figure out what is wrong and how to shrink it down to normal. You would think that you would just need to go to View or Edit at the top of the screen and adjust the size there, or that maybe you would go to the control panel and fix it all there. But no. I must have hit something in just the perfect sequence so as to prevent me from returning to normal land. Quite upsetting. I guess I am not cut out to be a master mind in the world of computers.


Livi said...

You would be the best hacker around I think. Thats so true about the hackers in movies, too!!

Anonymous said...

i couldn't help but laugh (with you, not at you) at the contrast between your first and 2nd paragraphs. you talk about saving the world using a computer, then jump to being confused about the display on your laptop. too funny!