Sunday, March 30, 2008

rush hour

So if you have ever been in rush hour in the city, you will know that it is not a time to play around. No dilly-dallying allowed. You need to know where you are going and you need to get there fast. You are, of course, polite and courteous, but you follow the rules. Yes, they may be unwritten, but they are rules just the same.

Anyway, usually I am really good about navigating my way through masses of rushed and confused people. You just kind of get in the zone. But the other day, something caught my eye and put me into a completely different one.

I was stepping off the train and right there before my eyes was a group of probably 7 or 8 men dressed in beautiful suits. Oh, sorry, did I say beautiful suits? They were beautiful but so were the men in those suits. Or maybe I'm just a sucker for men in suits? Or maybe I'm just a sucker for men. Either way, I was happy to be there in that very moment. Unfortunately for me though, I forgot where I was, where I was going, and that it was rush hour in one of the busiest spots in the city....Times Square. It was a little debilitating, to tell you the truth. I think that I couldn't move for a good 30 seconds or so. I came away feeling confused about my surroundings and a little ashamed that I let something so silly distract me from my normal routine.

What can I say? I just LOVE men!


Livi said...

So silly?? Girrrrrrrl don't discount yourself. The suits can light any girl on fire in this city. When I rule the world all men will wear 3 piece suits all the time. And no socks and sandals will be allowed.

Hillary said...

I love it. It's amazing how something good like that can catch your eye and make you loose your place in the world. I hope that happens to you everyday. I think it can be a great feeling.