Tuesday, March 10, 2009

a distraction of the best kind

At lunch I like to take a little walk around my neighborhood. I explore different streets, find fun stores, and spy interesting people. Imagine my delight when I happened upon the following:

It was a HUMONGOUS store front window with these lovely pictures of Jonathan Rhys Meyers modeling their clothing. Needless to say it caught my attention...so much so that I almost ran into a pole. Normally, I wouldn't blog about something as insignificant as this, but I actually forgot that this hottie display was on this particular street two times afterwards. And yes, folks, I almost ran into that same pole two more times. Ahhh, all I can say is that I so appreciate distractions like this...


Livi said...

DISTRACTION! We should add this to our list.

Anonymous said...

Ok fine, let's do lunch. I'll meet you at work and we'll pick a place that requires us to walk by this store at least three times (even if we have to walk around the block an extra time).

Bev said...

I love Mr. Meyers! If i was there i would be tempted to go past that every day! lucky, lucky, lucky...