Tuesday, August 25, 2009

born to notice

"Born to Notice"

For the past week or so I have been walking around the city, happily greeted by some great Gap ads from their new "Born to Fit" campaign. I don't really shop at Gap (gasp), nor will I really start (double gasp) but I sure do appreciate their ads. They've certainly caught my attention...
I mean, I want this man...er...to buy these jeans...

I prefer the man in the middle, rather, the jeans in the middle. The ones that are paired with the denim jacket. The model seems to wear them very well. Below is a better shot of the jeans. Again, my favorite "jeans" are the ones on the right. I searched for a good 30 minutes for his solo ad but apparently the search engines of the world had it in for me tonight and did not let me find him and his sexy pose...again, I mean, those fabulous jeans that he is wearing.

But I have to hand it to Gap. They definitely, definitely know how to catch my attention. Here's one of my all time favorites featuring Scott Speedman. When I first moved to New York, vendors often sold Gap ads on the street. One night I was walking home from something and I passed Columbia. A vendor was selling this particular ad. Now it wasn't a small, phone booth sized ad. It was a store front window sized ad. For some reason (sheer stupidity), I didn't buy it and for weeks after, I stopped at every vendor trying to find it. But no such luck, I completely struck out on this Scott Speedman specialty. Talk about a once in a life time deal!

Here's another ad that stopped me dead in my tracks. Literally. But it was after I ran into the corner of street kiosk in front of a Gap store. Can you blame me? Who doesn't love a little John Krasinski?

Bless you, Gap for producing some amazing ads....and clothing that a lot of people like to wear too.

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