Tuesday, August 11, 2009

ode to the trader...ode to the joe

So today during my lunch break I decided to venture to 14th and 3rd. Now if you are familiar with that area, you know the Mecca of which I speak. Now when I say Mecca, I mean it. It has been the destination of many, a destination that I didn't quite understand until just recently. Ok for those of you who don't know, I speak of...

Trader Joe's

As I've started to explore the art of Raw Eating and have attempted to incorporate much of that healthy lifestyle into my life (Attempted=had Ben & Jerry's tonight with some fabulous friends. Don't judge.) I've come to appreciate grocery stores that carry products and produce that are organic, local, and that use as little processing as possible--you know, natural, food that is actually food and not humanly engineered into food.

Now, those of you who do the same thing also know that this can get really expensive, and despite being a high-rollin', fabulously paid social worker (enter sarcasm), I can't really afford to eat completely organic, local, or natural. While I try my best, there is only so much that I can do.

So the fabulous thing about Trader Joe's is that it is super cheap! Instead of spending $40 on a bag of groceries, I only spent about $20. Now that's savings. Granted, it doesn't have everything and it is a schlep, but I think that I'm going to brave the distance, the sore shoulders (because of the grocery hauling), and yes, even the long lines...at least sometimes. :)

P.S. While I'm declaring my love for stores, I do have to give a hearty shout-out to Whole Foods. Can I just say that I am in love with that store? I can wander around for hours, reading labels, dreaming up food combinations, trying to figure out how to make certain products myself, and marveling at the types of products that the health world comes up with. In my heart, it has become akin to Bed, Bath & Beyond (#1 fave) and Barnes & Noble (#2). Shouldn't I get some sort of kickback for all of this advertising??? And why didn't I blog about Whole Foods? I don't know. I guess it's because I got raw almond butter for $4.99. :)


Livi said...

Wow. That brought back good/bad memories of schleping (as you said) down to good ol TJs. Cheap yummy food. I lvoed their whole wheat pizza crust, their desserts and yummy produce!! By the ay, I am DIG GIN this musak.

Anonymous said...

LOVE Trader Joe's! We keep hearing rumors they're coming to Utah...crossing my fingers...if IKEA can do it Trader Joe's can do it, right?

Brett and Diane said...

Trader Joes is a store that the PKU group is always talking about. They say you can find some PKU friendly items there. Maybe someday I'll get to a Trader Joes myself until then enjoy it for me!