Wednesday, March 24, 2010

comment fail

One of the things that interests me about blogging is the fact that you can share your random, everyday opinions with people you know and love as well as with those with whom you have no other connection save through this vast cyberspace we call the internets (yes, that was an intentional mistype). There’s something strangely exciting about posting your position for all the world to see and then having random strangers somehow find your blog. What’s even better is when these random strangers find something in your blog that elicits such a strong reaction that they feel compelled to make a comment—good or bad.

Now I don’t mind it when people disagree with what I have posted. I’m always open to other points of view. As long as there is a certain level of respect on both sides, I’m fine. Yes, even if we agree to disagree. What I find to be irritating, however, is when comments miss the boat entirely and then they hide behind the mask of anonymity. 

This morning someone responded to my “why????” post—a brief and perhaps snarky commentary on people’s immodesty at the gym. Here is the comment:

“This sentiment is unjustified. You are wrong. Get over yourself. We have every right to shower at our gym.”


Now, if you will refer to the post in question, you’ll notice that I said NOTHING about gym-goers not showering. By all means, PLEASE shower. You’re doing the rest of us a favor, and quite frankly, you might as well take advantage of this membership perk. But, if the reader will kindly re-read the post--perhaps more carefully this time--he/she will notice that I was commenting on the amount of flesh and indiscreetness shown at the gym, not about the act of showering itself.

So despite the unsigned chiding, I stand by my original post and will not “get over myself”. Shower at the gym. Enjoy the convenience that it brings. But for heaven’s sake, cover it up. Allow me to reiterate: No one wants to see you or your girls at any age or any stage. You may think you have it, but you probably don’t. And even if you did, what makes you think that the rest of us want to see it? There is a way to shower at the gym without running around the locker room naked. I know, I know, it may be difficult to imagine, but believe me, it is possible. Check out the rest of the people around you…the ones with towels carefully tied around them. They’ll help you figure it out.


Rachel said...

You may recall that I had a similar thing happen on my blog a few months back. People can be really rude when no one knows who they are. Sorry this happened to you. Sorry that the naked woman in the gym locker room found your post and felt the need to comment on it :) Love you!!!

Jeffrey Randall Depew said...

I love this, not that you are getting harrassed but the fact the the lady probably thinks she has it and pretty sure, she doesn't! love you M!