Sunday, January 6, 2008

sarah, sarah, no time is a good time for goodbye

So my dear friend Sarah just came back from an amazing, 3-month, African adventure. Needless to say, I am completely jealous. Jealous of her experiences, jealous of her bravery, and jealous that she is just cool enough to do something like that. This girl went with a solid plan that lasted about 3 weeks and then just winged it from there. There is no way that I could do something like that even if I tried. I would have surely ended up dead or stranded and you would have never heard from me again.

Anyway, on her way back home (Washington state), she made a short pit stop to the city. She told us of her adventures and showed us some amazing pictures. It was so good to see her. It was like she had never even left. That's when you know someone is a good friend...when you can just pick right up where you left off and things are just like they have "always" been. Aw, Sarah, I miss you!


Anonymous said...

I miss you too!!! I'm really torn lately, I want to be here in Washington, in NYC with you, and back in Africa... man, life is funny. I'm excited to be settled and content in my life again. Adventures are fun, but then you want more and more and normal life feels like its missing something.. and that is not good. Anyway, thanks for the post, I feel honored! Love you Malia!

Livi said...