Friday, April 20, 2007

patty griffin

I am a new fan of Patty Griffin. I just went to her concert last week at the Beacon Theater and I had such a great time! I loved her voice! I loved her songs! I loved how everyone on stage was having so much fun. I was envious and inspired at the same time. Hillary was nice enough to invite me when her sister couldn't make the show. And boy am I glad!

During the show the following thoughts kept running through my mind:

1. I want to be a singer/songwriter/performer too!
2. I love her bright red hair! I want to do something dramatic to mine.
3. See, you are not the only one to think of depressing lyrics/poems/writings...

And so I left with the following resolutions:

1. (a) I am going to buy a stand for my guitar so that I will see it and think to play.
(b) I am going to try my hand at writing will come after...way after.
(c) I need to sing more often--not just in the shower, while on the computer, or when washing the dishes.
2. I will settle for a trim.
3. I will try to see and understand the other side.

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