Wednesday, May 9, 2007

the secret

So I don't normally buy into popular fads. In fact, I usually mock them and refuse to participate just to say that I haven't. (Excluding, of course, Harry Potter. I did pretty well there. I didn't read any of the books for several years...until I saw the first movie and then I was hooked. I read all of the books, have seen all of the movies and am completely stoked about the upcoming movie and last book of the series.) And really, for all intensive purposes, this post doesn't provide any evidence, whatsoever, that I am buying into another fad of the day.

The Secret--it's a book written by some lady in Australia who claims to have discovered "the secret" to all of life's beauty, wonder, and riches. Among some circles, it's all the talk, and according to her book, everyone who is successful, happy, healthy, etc. has also discovered and is using "the secret".

A co-worker of mine picked up the book, read it in about 2 days, and immediately began to employ some of its "principles". To some extent, I think that there is a lot of truth to what is in there. I believe in the power of positive and optimistic thinking. I believe in the "law of attraction"--you get what you put out there, etc. But honestly, some of the things that this lady writes makes your eyes roll clear back to the other side of your head.

Well, I decided to read it. I'm halfway through and I'm less than halfway convinced. Keep in mind that it's all about my thoughts and my beliefs and that things will only work if I BELIEVE that they will. Straightaway, I am disqualifying myself from most of the benefits because I am reading through the lens of a cynic, but I read on still the same. From what I have read, I have concluded that the the book is a bit shallow. The author's definition of success is centered around having things--money, a big house, that sports car you've always dreamed of. Additionally, the book fails to--time and time again--acknowledge "free agency", the concept of God, and that sometimes life just happens the way that it does. Not everyone can self-heal blindness in 3 days. Perhaps it is a talent that I just lack. And to round it all out, I felt that the book's principles were a bit selfish. "Don't pay attention to people who are don't want to be around them. Don't give away or sacrifice too much, you don't want it to hurt. Do things for yourself so that YOU are happy. Don't worry about anyone else, they can take care of themselves...." Again, it just left a bitter taste in my mouth. It was lacking in substance. But maybe it's because I found the author to be a bit lacking herself.

So I decide to do a little experiment. I decided to put it out there. The first experiment: money. We could all use a little more of that, right? Oh wait, "I have all the money I want. I am so happy that I have so much money. I love the way it feels to have this much money. Dear Universe, send me some money. I would like to start with 100K. Thank you, Universe, for sending me this money. " So that's what I did....sort of.

Walking home tonight, I decided that I wanted a little treat and Dunkin' Donuts is on the corner. "These donuts are perfect. They will absorb perfectly into my perfect being." I took forever choosing, but I got the Boston Creme--like I always do--and I was content. The lady who helped me then started to ask me if I wanted something else. Nope. I didn't. She persisted. So did I. But she kept going until she had almost asked me if I wanted one of everything that was left in the store at 9:00 at night. Finally, I relented and said that I would take another one, maybe for tomorrow. She looked pleased and then tried to get me to buy something else! I stood my ground. She then giggled and told me that she would give me another one for free. I told her that I didn't need it and that it was not necessary. But maybe she didn't understand NO tonight...or maybe she was trying to get rid of what was left so that she could go home early. I don't know. I just know that instead of 1 donut, I ended up with 4, two of which were free.

I left a little confused, not knowing what to make of this most recent episode--and then it hit me! It was the Secret in action. I had asked for 100K and I got 4 donuts for the price of 2. Not exactly comparable, but it's a start, right?

"See the money, want the money, be the money....I have the money." Now what am I going to do with 4 donuts?


Anonymous said...

I saw the secret... While I definitely believe in the power of positive thinking, I'm skeptical myself. No matter how much I positively think about being rich, it's not gonna happen until I do something about it. Life is about more than thinking. That's my two cents at least.

Adam said...

you are hilarious. i read this twice. you should submit it to some publication. I think the secret is a big fat rip off where she steals every 'power of the mind' concept that's already been marketed for years, and then she wraps it in a sexy little book, calls it the secret, and then makes millions off of.... a rip off. i hope she's secretly unhappy. wait, maybe that's going a little too far...