Thursday, December 25, 2008

oh. my. edward.

two words, a name actually: edward cullen

he is the savory to my appetizer, the substance to my entree, and the cream to my dessert. if it wouldn't be the death of me (crazy, insane, delusional death of me), i would feast upon his exquisiteness everyday of my life.

despite being a voracious reader, i tore through the twilight series at inhuman speeds. (how appropriate) i found that with each book, i derived more pleasure and i was more forgiving of the over-the-top cheesiness that seemed to be at the heart of it all. and so when the movie had been green-lighted, my heart danced with joy. dear edward was jumping from the pages of a book to the big screen and i was thrilled.

sadly, the announcement of robert pattinson as edward was disappointing to me. he was not the edward i had imagined in my head. he was not what i had pictured perfection to be. and so i struggled. but with each trailer and with the mounting hype all around me, my heart softened to the idea and i was willing to give him a chance.

and boy was i NOT disappointed. he was perfection.

i mean, how could you not be smitten with someone who is incredibly fast and unbelievably strong, someone who could defend you in every circumstance and situation, someone who is protective and tender, someone who anticipates your every need and has the power and ability to fulfill them. how could you not swoon over someone who is brilliant, cultured, and who has a hundred years of experience being a gentleman? he can dance, play the piano, and from the looks of it, can knock your socks off with his "take me now" kiss. oh, how i wish i was bella. oh, how i wish...

and so, along with thousands of other hopeless females, i will continue to pine and swoon and obsess over yet another fictional character that creates completely unrealistic expectations of men. detrimental to my overall emotional well being? possibly. havoc wrecking to potential future relationships? maybe. am i going to stop? not likely. :)


Brett and Diane said...

wow that picture of 'Edward' is HOT! Who doesn't want an Edward.=)

Rachel said...

Amen and Amen!