Wednesday, December 10, 2008

i don't really stalk you...

The other day I saw a couple whose blog I check out every now and again. I knew them from church before they were married and they are seriously, a really fun couple. In my pitiful attempt to express my admiration (in a very hurried second) I blurted out, "I kind of stalk you on your blog. I love it. You're just so…" And for some random reason I trailed off. Their bewildered faces should have sent a signal to my brain that I need to provide more of an explanation or perhaps that I should have said hello first. Instead, I continued, "Well, I gotta go" and I left them where I found them. As I walked away I realized how lame I must have seemed. I was torn between taking my seat (the meeting was about to start) and running back to try again. What I had meant to say was, "Hey. I saw your blog the other day and I think you're the most adorable couple, you have fabulous taste, and you write great posts." But no, I told them that I stalk them and so they probably believe me.

I wonder if they have since privatized their blog...


Brock said...

Hilarious. Did you go back and tell them? Probably admitting anything about the "S" word to random people usually isn't conducive to having them think you're normal. again, Hilarious

Livi said...

haha I totally blog stalk as well! I'm sure they understood what you meant. Thanks for all the comments Malia - you are the best and so thoughtful! I really like your pictures on your blog as well.

Anonymous said...

You are no the only one. I once told someone I stalk his blog and it was quite humiliating. No worries, you're cool and not scary.

Brett and Diane said...

I'm sure after you left they were like...awesome Malia stocks us!=) Your post reminds of times I have left messages on answer machines and after I hang up I think why did I say it that way. Sometimes you just wish you could call out “redo” and get a 2nd chance.

Liz said...

MALIA! I just starting laughing out loud reading this! It rang so close to home - I've totally done that! But don't worry - people would be honored to be stalked by you!

Janae said...

It's okay to stalk people. In fact I encourage it. If they don't want stalkers...they should make their blog "private" ;-)

Rachel said...

I am the Queen of saying things I wish I hadn't said. Don't worry, you are not a scary person, so they shouldn't care that you "stalk" them. So funny!

The Favorite said...

I love you and think you are so wonderful. Have a very Merry Christmas!

Christie Norris said...

So...I kind of stalk you on your blog, Malia. :) Really, I follow a bunch of people's blogs, but I get nervous to put myself down as a fan or let them know I follow it!

Anonymous said...

I stalk you.